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Tanjore painting
Tanjore painting or normally called thanjavur painting is the origin from Thanjavur the very famous city in Tamil Nadu. Tanjur painting is classical Tamil Nadu Nadu painting style. It is very rich painting. In the 11th CE chola dynasty, the tanjore painting was created and it was highlighted as a cultural significance of the chola dynasty at that time. Vijayala was the founder of this chola kingdom and it was created in 8th CE. They took the place from pallavas and they established the chola kingdom. The tanjaore is the originated places for many culture oriented music, art and design. In hindu puranas, sthala purana and other texts related to religion, sketches are painting like highlighting the main subject in center and adding more themes around the subject.
Tanjore paintings are also called wooden planks or palakai padam. This holds a very rich painting method and techniques. They used the natural colors from the minerals and vegetables dyes. The awesome color combination and the gold left plating enhanced the Tanjore painting characters.   The baseboard of the Tanjore painting is made from teak wood or jack fruit wood. Later on, it was replaced by plywood. These paintings used different types of stone works and decorations. The richness of the painting and unique style of design always stand out from Tamil Nadu artform. In common, most of the arts are like krishnan, lord rama, goddesses sarawathi according to hindu mythology .
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The painting required great perseverance and prediction from the artist. This can only be made by a master artist , because of this creation process. This precious art is kept alive because of so many artists in Tamil Nadu showing more love and passion to create the painting. In the chola empire, at the time of Rajaraja chola, they gave a lot of privilege to the artist to implement their ideas and skill sets in the art and design, music , cultural event etc., this painting will take a minimum 10 days to give the perfect look for Tanjore painting . At the time the British ruled in India, they noticed this classical art and design. They impressed and collected a lot of paintings to add in their museum. You can still find a large Tanjore painting collection in the British and Victoria & Albert Museum in England. In the modern era this painting has been modified and used in different formats like kalamkari etc., People across the world still like to get the tanjore painting because of their traditional touch and richness.
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