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Geographical Indication (GI tags) Product Research

Geographical Indication (GI) tags are a form of intellectual property rights that identify products as originating from a specific region, where the unique environmental factors and cultural practices of that region contribute to the product’s special qualities. GI tags are intended to protect the reputation and quality of a product, while also helping to promote regional economic development.
Research has shown that GI tags have a positive impact on the economy of the regions where they are applied.GI tags have been applied to a wide range of products, including food and drink, handicrafts, and textiles. Some well-known examples of products with GI tags include Tanjore painting, Tanjore Veenai, Tanjore Art Plates, Tanjore Dancing Doll, Etc.,
However, the process of obtaining a GI tag can be complex and time-consuming, requiring extensive research, documentation, and legal proceedings. Additionally, there may be challenges in enforcing the use of GI tags, particularly in cases where the product is produced outside of the designated region. Overall, the use of GI tags is a valuable tool for promoting regional economic development and protecting the quality and reputation of unique products. However, it is important to carefully consider the costs and benefits of obtaining a GI tag before pursuing this avenue of intellectual property protection.
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